Paradise, Performance, Replica / group exhibition in Forum Fotografie Frankfurt

PARADISE, PERFORMANCE, REPLICA. SLOVENIAN PHOTOGRAPHIC ART / Vanja Bućan, Jošt Dolinšek and Bojan Radovič / curated by Celina Lunsford and Andrea Horvay

Exhibition period 07.10.202307.01.2024
Fotografie Forum Frankfurt, Braubachstraße 30-32, 60311 Frankfurt

Composing with imitation and repetition, staging role models, looking on space and time: as examples of contemporary photography from Slovenia, the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt presents works by Vanja Bućan, Jošt Dolinšek and Bojan Radovič. All three artists explore the boundaries of photography with different experimental approaches. The exhibition is the FFF’s contribution to Slovenia’s Guest of Honour programme at the Frankfurter Buch Messe 2023.

More about the exhibition here.

Photos by ©Fotografie Forum Frankfurt/ Esra Klein.

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